Affidavit Maker Software L.L.C.
Terry L. Fisher, Esquire
About Affidavit Maker® Software
Terry L. Fisher, Esquire
Affidavit Maker® Software has been serving the Criminal Justice community since 1997. The software began, as most things do, because there was a need to more efficiently and effectively prepare criminal complaints. There were simply too many errors and it took entirely too long to create a complaint the "old fashion way!"
About the Author
Terry Fisher is a retired Captain from the Springfield, Ohio Police Department.
During his career, he served as the Captain in charge of each of the Department's three Sub-Divisions:
Uniform Patrol, Investigation and Services. He also served as Training Commander and as System Manager
of the Springfield Public Safety Computer System.
Mr. Fisher is a licensed Attorney and Counselor At Law in the State of Ohio and
is licensed by the Ohio Peace Officer's Training Council to teach Legal Topics. Mr. Fisher is a graduate
of the Police Executive Leadership College (PELC XIII). During his career, he sat on the Ohio
Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) “Net Committee” and “Legislative Committee.”
Mr. Fisher worked as a Research Attorney for the Clark County Prosecutor for
several years, has worked as a consultant within the Criminal Justice System and has presented numerous
training seminars on a variety of Criminal Justice topics throughout the State of Ohio.
Mr. Fisher writes custom computer applications for the Criminal Justice
Community. He currently markets
Affidavit Maker® Software, a program that computerizes the preparation of Juvenile and Criminal
Complaints and Indictments throughout the State of Ohio.
Mr. Fisher's education, training and experience place him in a unique position
to thoroughly understand
the needs of the Community and the entire Criminal Justice System.